Hair Care Tips For Your Colored Treated Hair

Posted: April 27th, 2023 by Admin

By Donna Rice

Whether your hair is dyed, highlighted, or streaked, you have the same problem that most women with color treated hair have, hair that lacks luster and shine. When your hair is treated with color, it loses its vitality and natural shine. Have you ever noticed that after your hair is colored it has a different feel to it, A feel thats synthetic, almost similar to hair weave? Well, the reason why is because colored treated hair has been processed with chemicals that deplete your hair with a process called oxidation. Oxidation is loss of hydrogen. Coloring agents contain these chemicals that wear down on your hair follicles and remove the proper moisture balance from your locks. The end result is dull, frizzy, and lifeless hair. Follow these tips to revitalize your shine and luster after your hair has been colored.

Begin caring for your color treated hair immediately after the processing. I know that it sounds a bit exaggerated, however the wearing down process that damages your hair follicles begins immediately, so you must start your anti-damage treatment as soon as it begins. The sooner the better! The best way to begin this treatment is to spray your hair with a good oil sheen a few nights a week before you go to bed, and place a silk bonnet or cap over it to retain the moisture. I know, I know, who wants limp locks that have been sprayed with oil, wheres my body going to go? In order to maintain your hairs body, roll your hair with large or jumbo rollers, preferably sponge. Avoid excessive sheen, a little shot will do.

Use a good conditioning shampoo. Whether you wash your hair every other night or once a week, depending on your own needs, (naturally oily hair needs to be washed more often) you need a conditioning shampoo. I suggest, KeraCare products. This is an awesome shampoo that works to keep natural moisture in your hair, as well as a deep penetrating cleansing that is necessary for your color treated hair. After shampooing your hair, follow up with a conditioner, at once.


Condition with a quality product. You want to invest in a quality conditioner that will coat your hair follicles and restore proper moisture balance. It also needs to contain a UV protection agent that will protect your delicate hair from harsh sunrays. Make sure that your conditioner contains humectants, which help to restore moisture balance as well. Investing in quality conditioning products will ensure that your follicles wont be stripped of its coating. These products that contain these ingredients actually provide your hair with a coating that protects your follicles. You wont be sorry for it.

Hot oil treatments are needed on a regular basis. The actual time span varies from person to person, just depending on the condition of your hair. Most stylists suggest twice a year, but of course some could use more frequent treatments. Some key ingredients here to look for in hot oil treatments are avocado, jojoba, and coconut oils. These leave the hair looking healthier and shiner. This is a good preventive measure to use in-between salon visits.

Visit your stylist on a regular basis. It is important to see an expert on a regular basis when your hair is color treated. They can detect future problems and attack them head on. Unless you are a licensed stylist, you may not always know the warning signs of damaged processed hair. Do some research and find a good stylist that has a reputation of providing good service and caring for color treated hair. They can also add to your tips of home care in-between visits.

As you see, the key is replacing the much needed moisture in your hair to revitalize and care for healthy colored treated hair. Who says you cant have color and healthy hair simultaneously? Enjoy your beautiful, color treated hair!

About the Author: Donna Rice is the owner of a

black hair styles

directory for

African American salons


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Weight Lifting Exercises &Amp; Their Affect On Different Muscle Fibers

Posted: April 23rd, 2023 by Admin

By Patrick Mckeeman

Weight lifting exercises cause your muscles to generate heat and strength. Your muscles need to be strong, in order to help you move, breathe and so on.

This article on weight lifting exercises will look at the relationship between the exercises you use when weight lifting and your muscles.

Your actual muscle tissue is made up of 2 types of muscle fibers, actin, which are a slim fiber and myosin which are substantially thicker. Both of these fiber types help to give your muscles a striated look about them.

When performing any exercises used in weight lifting the muscle being exercised must be able to contract properly. To do this they need to become stimulated by motor neurons. These are simply nerves.

One motor neuron and the muscle fibers stimulated during exercises used during weight lifting activities are called a motor unit. These motor units or muscle fibers play a large part in the force your muscles can produce during a contraction.


The more motor units you can activate during your weight lifting exercises the stronger the contraction. Meaning you’ll be able to lift a greater amount of weight for an increased number of repetitions.

Your muscle fibers are categorized as Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb muscle fibers. The more common term for muscle fibers are “fast” and “slow” twitch.

When performing high rep weight training exercises it’s your slow twitch muscle fibers (Type I) that will be recruited to do the majority of the work. Your body uses this type of muscle fiber when endurance activities, aerobic activity or high rep sets are used.

Fast twitch muscle fibers (Type IIa and Type Iib) are used by your body during explosive contractions. It’s these fibers that have the greatest potential for growth resulting from the weight lifting exercises you perform.

Your body will used fast twitch muscle fibers during high-intensity, short-duration exercises such as weight lifting exercises that use heavy weight for very low reps, or sprinting.

People who seem to be able to build muscle at will when performing almost any weight lifting exercises, usually will have an unusually large number of fast twitch muscle fibers in their body.

In the majority of people the muscle fiber make-up in each muscle group will be relatively equal in most muscle groups. Therefore you need to recruit both slow twitch and fast twitch fibers at some point in your exercise program.

One exception to the rule of equal types of muscle fibers is when it comes to your hamstrings. The hamstring muscles in the vast majority of people tend to be made up of mostly fast twitch muscle fibers.

For that reason, when performing weight exercises for your hamstrings, you should try to use heavier weights for a lower number of reps.

Now, when executing any weight training exercises your muscles will go through a few different actions. There are isometric, eccentric, concentric, and isotonic portions of most weight lifting exercises;

Isometric contractions can best be described as the same stress your muscle would go through when pushing against a wall.

The lifting portion of weight training exercises such as a dumbbell bicep curl is known as the concentric contraction. Lowering the dumbbell in a controlled fashion is the eccentric portion.

The more common terms for this part of weight training exercises are positive (concentric) and negative (eccentric).

The fourth type of contraction that can occur during weight exercises is the isotonic contraction. This can occur more commonly during plyometric training.

About the Author: Patrick Mckeeman has very quick, easy & effective health & fitness solutions for you. For extensive information on weight lifting exercises please go to:


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